12-3 Average node depth in a randomly built binary search tree

In this problem, we prove that the average depth of a node in a randomly built binary search tree with $n$ nodes is $O(\lg n)$. Although this result is weaker than that of Theorem 12.4, the technique we shall use reveals a surprising similarity between the building of a binary search tree and the execution of $\text{RANDOMIZED-QUICKSORT}$ from Section 7.3.

We define the total path length $P(T)$ of a binary tree $T$ as the sum, over all nodes $x$ in $T$, of the depth of node $x$, which we denote by $d(x, T)$.

a. Argue that the average depth of a node in $T$ is

$$\frac{1}{n} \sum_{x \in T} d(x, T) = \frac{1}{n} P(T).$$

Thus, we wish to show that the expected value of $P(T)$ is $O(n\lg n)$.

b. Let $T_L$ and $T_R$ denote the left and right subtrees of tree $T$, respectively. Argue that if $T$ has $n$ nodes, then

$$P(T) = P(T_L) + P(T_R) + n - 1.$$

c. Let $P(n)$ denote the average total path length of a randomly built binary search tree with n nodes. Show that

$$P(n) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 0}^{n - 1} (P(i) + P(n - i - 1) + n - 1).$$

d. Show how to rewrite $P(n)$ as

$$P(n) = \frac{2}{n} \sum_{k = 1}^{n - 1} P(k) + \Theta(n).$$

e. Recalling the alternative analysis of the randomized version of quicksort given in Problem 7-3, conclude that $P(n) = O(n\lg n)$. At each recursive invocation of quicksort, we choose a random pivot element to partition the set of elements being sorted. Each node of a binary search tree partitions the set of elements that fall into the subtree rooted at that node.

f. Describe an implementation of quicksort in which the comparisons to sort a set of elements are exactly the same as the comparisons to insert the elements into a binary search tree. (The order in which comparisons are made may differ, but the same comparisons must occur.)
