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Tips for Deep Learning

Recipe of Deep Learning

Vanishing Gradient Problem

以上圖的例子來看:由於通過神經元的 sigmoid function,數值大的 input 會被壓縮到 $0$ 到 $1$ 之間,以至於彼此明明差異很大的 input,在 output 時的差異卻沒像本來那麼明顯。

ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)


  1. fast to compute
  2. biological reason
  3. infinite sigmoid with different biases
  4. vanishing gradient problem


Leack ReLU Parametric ReLU

$\alpha$ 會由 gradient descent 中學習。


ReLU is a special cases of Maxout

  • Learnable activation function

    • Activation function in maxout network can be any piecewise linear convex function
    • How many pieces depending on how many elements in a group

Adaptive Learning Rate


$$ \begin{array} { c l } { w ^ { 1 } \leftarrow w ^ { 0 } - \frac { \eta } { \sigma ^ { 0 } } g ^ { 0 } } & { \sigma ^ { 0 } = g ^ { 0 } } \\ { w ^ { 2 } \leftarrow w ^ { 1 } - \frac { \eta } { \sigma ^ { 1 } } g ^ { 1 } } & { \sigma ^ { 1 } = \sqrt { \alpha \left( \sigma ^ { 0 } \right) ^ { 2 } + ( 1 - \alpha ) \left( g ^ { 2 } \right) ^ { 2 } } } \\ { w ^ { 3 } \leftarrow w ^ { 2 } - \frac { \eta } { \sigma ^ { 2 } } g ^ { 2 } } & { \sigma ^ { 2 } = \sqrt { \alpha \left( \sigma ^ { 1 } \right) ^ { 2 } + ( 1 - \alpha ) \left( g ^ { 2 } \right) ^ { 2 } } } \\ { \vdots } & { \vdots } \\ { w ^ { t + 1 } \leftarrow w ^ { t } - \frac { \eta } { \sigma ^ { t } } g ^ { t } } & { \sigma ^ { t } = \sqrt { \alpha \left( \sigma ^ { t - 1 } \right) ^ { 2 } + ( 1 - \alpha ) \left( g ^ { t } \right) ^ { 2 } } } \end{array} $$

Root Mean Square of the gradients with previous gradients being decayed.



Adam = RMSProp + Momentum

Early Stopping

