class Solution:
def shortestDistanceColor(
colors: list[int],
queries: list[list[int]],
) -> list[int]:
n = len(colors)
ans = []
# left[i][c] := the closest index of color c in index i to the left
left = [[0] * (NUM_COLOR + 1) for _ in range(n)]
# right[i][c] := the closest index of color c in index i to the right
right = [[0] * (NUM_COLOR + 1) for _ in range(n)]
colorToLatestIndex = [0, -1, -1, -1] # 0-indexed, -1 means N//A
for i, color in enumerate(colors):
colorToLatestIndex[color] = i
for c in range(1, NUM_COLOR + 1):
left[i][c] = colorToLatestIndex[c]
colorToLatestIndex = [0, -1, -1, -1] # Reset.
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
colorToLatestIndex[colors[i]] = i
for c in range(1, NUM_COLOR + 1):
right[i][c] = colorToLatestIndex[c]
for i, c in queries:
leftDist = math.inf if left[i][c] == -1 else i - left[i][c]
rightDist = math.inf if right[i][c] == -1 else right[i][c] - i
minDist = min(leftDist, rightDist)
ans.append(-1 if minDist == math.inf else minDist)
return ans