from enum import IntEnum
class Pos(IntEnum):
class Solution:
def minimumMoves(self, grid: list[list[int]]) -> int:
n = len(grid)
ans = 0
# the state of (x, y, pos)
# pos := 0 (horizontal) / 1 (vertical)
q = collections.deque([(0, 0, Pos.HORIZONTAL)])
seen = {(0, 0, Pos.HORIZONTAL)}
def canMoveRight(x: int, y: int, pos: Pos) -> bool:
if pos == Pos.HORIZONTAL:
return y + 2 < n and not grid[x][y + 2]
return y + 1 < n and not grid[x][y + 1] and not grid[x + 1][y + 1]
def canMoveDown(x: int, y: int, pos: Pos) -> bool:
if pos == Pos.VERTICAL:
return x + 2 < n and not grid[x + 2][y]
return x + 1 < n and not grid[x + 1][y] and not grid[x + 1][y + 1]
def canRotateClockwise(x: int, y: int, pos: Pos) -> bool:
return (pos == Pos.HORIZONTAL and x + 1 < n and
not grid[x + 1][y + 1] and not grid[x + 1][y])
def canRotateCounterclockwise(x: int, y: int, pos: Pos) -> bool:
return (pos == Pos.VERTICAL and y + 1 < n and
not grid[x + 1][y + 1] and not grid[x][y + 1])
while q:
for _ in range(len(q)):
x, y, pos = q.popleft()
if x == n - 1 and y == n - 2 and pos == Pos.HORIZONTAL:
return ans
if canMoveRight(x, y, pos) and (x, y + 1, pos) not in seen:
q.append((x, y + 1, pos))
seen.add((x, y + 1, pos))
if canMoveDown(x, y, pos) and (x + 1, y, pos) not in seen:
q.append((x + 1, y, pos))
seen.add((x + 1, y, pos))
newPos = Pos.VERTICAL if pos == Pos.HORIZONTAL else Pos.HORIZONTAL
if ((canRotateClockwise(x, y, pos) or
canRotateCounterclockwise(x, y, pos)) and
(x, y, newPos) not in seen):
q.append((x, y, newPos))
seen.add((x, y, newPos))
ans += 1
return -1