class Solution {
public int maxCandies(int[] status, int[] candies, int[][] keys, int[][] containedBoxes,
int[] initialBoxes) {
int ans = 0;
Queue<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>();
boolean[] reachedClosedBoxes = new boolean[status.length];
pushBoxesIfPossible(initialBoxes, status, q, reachedClosedBoxes);
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
final int currBox = q.poll();
// Add the candies.
ans += candies[currBox];
// Push `reachedClosedBoxes` by `key` obtained in this turn and change
// their statuses.
for (final int key : keys[currBox]) {
if (status[key] == 0 && reachedClosedBoxes[key])
status[key] = 1; // boxes[key] is now open.
// Push the boxes contained in `currBox`.
pushBoxesIfPossible(containedBoxes[currBox], status, q, reachedClosedBoxes);
return ans;
private void pushBoxesIfPossible(int[] boxes, int[] status, Queue<Integer> q,
boolean[] reachedClosedBoxes) {
for (final int box : boxes)
if (status[box] == 1)
reachedClosedBoxes[box] = true;