class Solution {
int numberWays(vector<vector<int>>& hats) {
constexpr int nHats = 40;
const int nPeople = hats.size();
vector<vector<int>> hatToPeople(nHats + 1);
vector<vector<int>> mem(nHats + 1, vector<int>(1 << nPeople, -1));
for (int i = 0; i < nPeople; ++i)
for (const int hat : hats[i])
return numberWays(hats, 0, 1, hatToPeople, mem);
static constexpr int kMod = 1'000'000'007;
// Returns the number of ways to assign hats 1, 2, ..., h to people, where
// `assignment` is the bitmask of the current assignment.
int numberWays(const vector<vector<int>>& hats, int assignment, int h,
const vector<vector<int>>& hatToPeople,
vector<vector<int>>& mem) {
// All the people are assigned.
if (assignment == (1 << hats.size()) - 1)
return 1;
if (h > 40)
return 0;
if (mem[h][assignment] != -1)
return mem[h][assignment];
// Don't wear the hat `h`.
mem[h][assignment] = numberWays(hats, assignment, h + 1, hatToPeople, mem);
for (const int p : hatToPeople[h]) {
// The person `p` was assigned the hat `h` before.
if (assignment >> p & 1)
// Assign the hat `h` to the person `p`.
mem[h][assignment] +=
numberWays(hats, assignment | 1 << p, h + 1, hatToPeople, mem);
mem[h][assignment] %= kMod;
return mem[h][assignment];