class Solution {
int stoneGameV(vector<int>& stoneValue) {
const int n = stoneValue.size();
vector<vector<int>> mem(n, vector<int>(n, INT_MIN));
vector<int> prefix(n + 1);
partial_sum(stoneValue.begin(), stoneValue.end(), prefix.begin() + 1);
return stoneGameV(stoneValue, 0, n - 1, prefix, mem);
// Returns the maximum score that Alice can obtain from stoneValue[i..j].
int stoneGameV(const vector<int>& stoneValue, int i, int j,
const vector<int>& prefix, vector<vector<int>>& mem) {
if (i == j)
return 0;
if (mem[i][j] > 0)
return mem[i][j];
// Try all the possible partitions.
for (int p = i; p < j; ++p) {
// sum(stoneValue[i..p])
const int leftSum = prefix[p + 1] - prefix[i];
const int throwRight =
leftSum + stoneGameV(stoneValue, i, p, prefix, mem);
// sum(stoneValue[p + 1..j])
const int rightSum = prefix[j + 1] - prefix[p + 1];
const int throwLeft =
rightSum + stoneGameV(stoneValue, p + 1, j, prefix, mem);
if (leftSum < rightSum) // Bob throws the right row.
mem[i][j] = max(mem[i][j], throwRight);
else if (leftSum > rightSum) // Bob throws the left row.
mem[i][j] = max(mem[i][j], throwLeft);
else // Alice decides which row to throw.
mem[i][j] = max({mem[i][j], throwLeft, throwRight});
return mem[i][j];