classSolution{public:intminimumOneBitOperations(intn){// Observation: e.g. n = 2^2// 100 (2^2 needs 2^3 - 1 ops)// op1 -> 101// op2 -> 111// op1 -> 110// op2 -> 010 (2^1 needs 2^2 - 1 ops)// op1 -> 011// op2 -> 001 (2^0 needs 2^1 - 1 ops)// op1 -> 000//// So 2^k needs 2^(k + 1) - 1 ops. Note this is reversible, i.e., 0 -> 2^k// also takes 2^(k + 1) - 1 ops.// e.g. n = 1XXX, our first goal is to change 1XXX -> 1100.// - If the second bit is 1, you only need to consider the cost of turning// the last 2 bits to 0.// - If the second bit is 0, you need to add up the cost of flipping the// second bit from 0 to 1.// XOR determines the cost minimumOneBitOperations(1XXX^1100) accordingly.// Then, 1100 -> 0100 needs 1 op. Finally, 0100 -> 0 needs 2^3 - 1 ops.if(n==0)return0;// x is the largest 2^k <= n.// x | x >> 1 -> x >> 1 needs 1 op.// x >> 1 -> 0 needs x = 2^k - 1 ops.intx=1;while(x*2<=n)x<<=1;returnminimumOneBitOperations(n^(x|x>>1))+1+x-1;}};
classSolution{publicintminimumOneBitOperations(intn){// Observation: e.g. n = 2^2// 100 (2^2 needs 2^3 - 1 ops)// op1 -> 101// op2 -> 111// op1 -> 110// op2 -> 010 (2^1 needs 2^2 - 1 ops)// op1 -> 011// op2 -> 001 (2^0 needs 2^1 - 1 ops)// op1 -> 000//// So 2^k needs 2^(k + 1) - 1 ops. Note this is reversible, i.e., 0 -> 2^k// also takes 2^(k + 1) - 1 ops.// e.g. n = 1XXX, our first goal is to change 1XXX -> 1100.// - If the second bit is 1, you only need to consider the cost of turning// the last 2 bits to 0.// - If the second bit is 0, you need to add up the cost of flipping the// second bit from 0 to 1.// XOR determines the cost minimumOneBitOperations(1XXX^1100) accordingly.// Then, 1100 -> 0100 needs 1 op. Finally, 0100 -> 0 needs 2^3 - 1 ops.if(n==0)return0;// x is the largest 2^k <= n.// x | x >> 1 -> x >> 1 needs 1 op.// x >> 1 -> 0 needs x = 2^k - 1 ops.intx=1;while(x*2<=n)x<<=1;returnminimumOneBitOperations(n^(x|x>>1))+1+x-1;}}
classSolution:defminimumOneBitOperations(self,n:int)->int:# Observation: e.g. n = 2^2# 100 (2^2 needs 2^3 - 1 ops)# op1 -> 101# op2 -> 111# op1 -> 110# op2 -> 010 (2^1 needs 2^2 - 1 ops)# op1 -> 011# op2 -> 001 (2^0 needs 2^1 - 1 ops)# op1 -> 000## So 2^k needs 2^(k + 1) - 1 ops. Note this is reversible, i.e., 0 -> 2^k# also takes 2^(k + 1) - 1 ops.# e.g. n = 1XXX, our first goal is to change 1XXX -> 1100.# - If the second bit is 1, you only need to consider the cost of turning# the last 2 bits to 0.# - If the second bit is 0, you need to add up the cost of flipping the# second bit from 0 to 1.# XOR determines the cost minimumOneBitOperations(1XXX^1100) accordingly.# Then, 1100 -> 0100 needs 1 op. Finally, 0100 -> 0 needs 2^3 - 1 ops.ifn==0:return0# x is the largest 2^k <= n.# x | x >> 1 -> x >> 1 needs 1 op.# x >> 1 -> 0 needs x = 2^k - 1 ops.x=1<<n.bit_length()-1returnself.minimumOneBitOperations(n^(x|x>>1))+1+x-1
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