class Solution {
public int minOperations(int[] target, int[] arr) {
List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Integer, Integer> numToIndex = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < target.length; ++i)
numToIndex.put(target[i], i);
for (final int a : arr)
if (numToIndex.containsKey(a))
return target.length - lengthOfLIS(indices);
// Same as 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence
private int lengthOfLIS(List<Integer> nums) {
// tails[i] := the minimum tail of all the increasing subsequences with
// length i + 1
List<Integer> tails = new ArrayList<>();
for (final int num : nums)
if (tails.isEmpty() || num > tails.get(tails.size() - 1))
tails.set(firstGreaterEqual(tails, num), num);
return tails.size();
private int firstGreaterEqual(List<Integer> arr, int target) {
final int i = Collections.binarySearch(arr, target);
return i < 0 ? -i - 1 : i;