class Solution:
def maximumGain(self, s: str, x: int, y: int) -> int:
# The assumption that gain('ab') > gain('ba') while removing 'ba' first is
# optimal is contradicted. Only 'b(ab)a' satisfies the condition of
# preventing two 'ba' removals, but after removing 'ab', we can still
# remove one 'ba', resulting in a higher gain. Thus, removing 'ba' first is
# not optimal.
return (self._gain(s, 'ab', x, 'ba', y) if x > y else
self._gain(s, 'ba', y, 'ab', x))
# Returns the points gained by first removing sub1 ('ab' | 'ba') from s with
# point1, then removing sub2 ('ab' | 'ba') from s with point2.
def _gain(self, s: str, sub1: str, point1: int, sub2: str, point2: int) -> int:
points = 0
stack1 = []
stack2 = []
# Remove 'sub1' from s with point1 gain.
for c in s:
if stack1 and stack1[-1] == sub1[0] and c == sub1[1]:
points += point1
# Remove 'sub2' from s with point2 gain.
for c in stack1:
if stack2 and stack2[-1] == sub2[0] and c == sub2[1]:
points += point2
return points