class Solution {
int equalDigitFrequency(string s) {
vector<vector<int>> counts; // counts[i] := the counter map of s[0..i]
vector<int> count(10);
vector<long> pows{1}; // pows[i] := kBase^i % kHash
// hash[i] = the hash of the first i letters of s, where hash[i] =
// (26^(i - 1) * s[0] + 26^(i - 2) * s[1] + ... + s[i - 1]) % kHash
vector<long> hash{0};
unordered_set<int> seen;
for (const char c : s) {
++count[c - '0'];
pows.push_back(pows.back() * kBase % kHash);
hash.push_back((hash.back() * kBase + val(c)) % kHash);
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
for (int j = i; j < s.length(); ++j)
if (isSameFreq(counts, i, j))
seen.insert(getRollingHash(i, j + 1, hash, pows));
return seen.size();
static constexpr int kMax = 1001;
static constexpr int kBase = 11;
static constexpr int kHash = 1'000'000'007;
static constexpr int val(char c) {
return c - '0' + 1;
// Returns true if s[i..j] has the same digit frequency.j
bool isSameFreq(const vector<vector<int>>& counts, int i, int j) {
vector<int> count = counts[j];
if (i > 0)
for (int num = 0; num < 10; ++num)
count[num] -= counts[i - 1][num];
return equalFreq(count);
bool equalFreq(const vector<int>& count) {
int minfreq = kMax;
int maxfreq = 0;
for (const int freq : count)
if (freq > 0) {
minfreq = min(minfreq, freq);
maxfreq = max(maxfreq, freq);
return minfreq == maxfreq;
// Returns the rolling hash of s[l..r).
int getRollingHash(int l, int r, const vector<long>& hash,
const vector<long>& pows) {
const long h = (hash[r] - hash[l] * pows[r - l]) % kHash;
return h < 0 ? h + kHash : h;