class Solution:
def buildWall(self, height: int, width: int, bricks: list[int]) -> int:
kMod = 1_000_000_007
# Stores the valid rows in bitmask.
rows = []
self._buildRows(width, bricks, 0, rows)
n = len(rows)
# dp[i] := the number of ways to build `h` height walls with rows[i] in the bottom
dp = [1] * n
# graph[i] := the valid neighbors of rows[i]
graph = [[] for _ in range(n)]
for i, a in enumerate(rows):
for j, b in enumerate(rows):
if not a & b:
for _ in range(2, height + 1):
newDp = [0] * n
for i in range(n):
for v in graph[i]:
newDp[i] += dp[v]
newDp[i] %= kMod
dp = newDp
return sum(dp) % kMod
def _buildRows(
width: int,
bricks: list[int],
path: int,
rows: list[int],
for brick in bricks:
if brick == width:
elif brick < width:
newWidth = width - brick
self._buildRows(newWidth, bricks, path | 2 << newWidth, rows)