class Solution {
long long maximumBeauty(vector<int>& flowers, long long newFlowers,
int target, int full, int partial) {
const int n = flowers.size();
// If a garden is already complete, clamp it to the target.
for (int& flower : flowers)
flower = min(flower, target);
// All gardens are complete, so nothing we can do.
if (flowers[0] == target)
return static_cast<long>(n) * full;
// Having many new flowers maximizes the beauty value.
if (newFlowers >= static_cast<long>(n) * target -
accumulate(flowers.begin(), flowers.end(), 0L))
return max(static_cast<long>(n) * full,
(n - 1L) * full + (target - 1L) * partial);
long ans = 0;
long leftFlowers = newFlowers;
// cost[i] := the cost to make flowers[0..i] the same
vector<long> cost(n);
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
// Plant (flowers[i] - flowers[i - 1]) flowers for flowers[0..i - 1].
cost[i] =
cost[i - 1] + static_cast<long>(i) * (flowers[i] - flowers[i - 1]);
int i = n - 1; // flowers' index (flowers[i + 1..n) are complete)
while (flowers[i] == target)
for (; leftFlowers >= 0; --i) {
// To maximize the minimum number of incomplete flowers, we find the first
// index j that we can't make flowers[0..j] equal to flowers[j], then we
// know we can make flowers[0..j - 1] equal to flowers[j - 1]. In the
// meantime, evenly increase each of them to seek a bigger minimum value.
const int j = firstGreater(cost, i, leftFlowers);
const long minIncomplete =
flowers[j - 1] + (leftFlowers - cost[j - 1]) / j;
ans = max(ans, (n - 1L - i) * full + minIncomplete * partial);
leftFlowers -= max(0, target - flowers[i]);
return ans;
int firstGreater(const vector<long>& A, int maxIndex, long target) {
return upper_bound(A.begin(), A.begin() + maxIndex + 1, target) - A.begin();