class Solution:
def sortArray(self, nums: list[int]) -> int:
n = len(nums)
numToIndex = [0] * n
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
numToIndex[num] = i
def minOps(numToIndex: list[int], zeroInBeginning: bool) -> int:
ops = 0
num = 1
# If zeroInBeginning, the correct index of each num is num.
# If not zeroInBeginning, the correct index of each num is num - 1.
offset = 0 if zeroInBeginning else 1
while num < n:
# 0 is in the correct index, so swap 0 with the first `numInWrongIndex`.
if (zeroInBeginning and numToIndex[0] == 0 or
not zeroInBeginning and numToIndex[0] == n - 1):
while numToIndex[num] == num - offset: # num is in correct position
num += 1
if num == n:
return ops
numInWrongIndex = num
# 0 is in the wrong index. e.g. numToIndex[0] == 2, that means 2 is not
# in nums[2] because nums[2] == 0.
numInWrongIndex = numToIndex[0] + offset
numToIndex[0], numToIndex[numInWrongIndex] = (
numToIndex[numInWrongIndex], numToIndex[0])
ops += 1
return min(minOps(numToIndex.copy(), True),
minOps(numToIndex.copy(), False))