class Solution {
public String[] splitMessage(String message, int limit) {
final int MESSAGE_LENGTH = message.length();
int b = 1;
// the total length of a: initialized with the length of "1"
int aLength = sz(1);
// the total length of b := b * sz(b)
// The total length of "</>" := b * 3
while (b * limit < b * (sz(b) + 3) + aLength + MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
// If the length of the last suffix "<b/b>" := sz(b) * 2 + 3 >= limit,
// then it's impossible that the length of "*<b/b>" <= limit.
if (sz(b) * 2 + 3 >= limit)
return new String[] {};
aLength += sz(++b);
String[] ans = new String[b];
for (int i = 0, a = 1; a <= b; ++a) {
// the length of "<a/b>" := sz(a) + sz(b) + 3
final int j = limit - (sz(a) + sz(b) + 3);
ans[a - 1] = message.substring(i, Math.min(message.length(), i + j)) + "<" +
String.valueOf(a) + "/" + String.valueOf(b) + ">";
i += j;
return ans;
private int sz(int num) {
return String.valueOf(num).length();