class Solution {
public long fixedRatio(String s, int num1, int num2) {
// Let x := the number of 0s and y := the number of 1s in the subarray.
// We want x : y = num1 : num2, so our goal is to find number of subarrays
// with x * num2 - y * num1 = 0. To achieve this, we can use a prefix count
// map to record the count of the running x * num2 - y * num1. If the
// running x * num2 - y * num1 = prefix, then add count[prefix] to the
// `ans`.
long ans = 0;
long prefix = 0;
Map<Long, Integer> prefixCount = new HashMap<>();
prefixCount.put(0L, 1);
for (final char c : s.toCharArray()) {
if (c == '0')
prefix += num2;
else // c == '1'
prefix -= num1;
ans += prefixCount.getOrDefault(prefix, 0);
prefixCount.merge(prefix, 1, Integer::sum);
return ans;