class Solution {
int countGoodSubsequences(string s) {
// For each frequency f in [1, max(freq)], start with "" and calculate how
// many subsequences can be constructed with each letter's frequency = f.
// e.g. s = "abb", so f = max(freq) = 2.
// For f = 1, with 1 way to build "", choose any 'a' to construct a good
// subseq, so # of good subsequences = 1 + 1 * (1, 1) = 2 ("", "a"). Next,
// add 'b' and # of good subsequences = 2 + 2 * (2, 1) = 6 ("", "a", "b1",
// "b2", "ab1", "ab2"). So, the number of good subsequences for f = 1 is 5
// since we need to exclude "".
// For f = 2, with 1 way to build "", choose any two 'b's to construct a
// good subseq, so # of good subsequences = 1 + 1 * (2, 2) is 2 ("", "bb").
// So, the number of good subsequences for f = 2 = 1 since we need to
// exclude "".
// Therefore, the number of good subsequences for "aab" = 5 + 1 = 6.
int ans = 0;
vector<int> count(26);
for (const char c : s)
++count[c - 'a'];
const int maxFreq = ranges::max(count);
const auto [fact, invFact] = getFactAndInvFact(maxFreq);
for (int freq = 1; freq <= maxFreq; ++freq) {
long numSubseqs = 1; // ""
for (const int charFreq : count)
if (charFreq >= freq)
numSubseqs = (numSubseqs + //
numSubseqs * nCk(charFreq, freq, fact, invFact)) %
ans += numSubseqs - 1; // Minus "".
ans %= kMod;
return ans;
static constexpr int kMod = 1'000'000'007;
pair<vector<long>, vector<long>> getFactAndInvFact(int n) {
vector<long> fact(n + 1);
vector<long> invFact(n + 1);
vector<long> inv(n + 1);
fact[0] = invFact[0] = 1;
inv[0] = inv[1] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
if (i >= 2)
inv[i] = kMod - kMod / i * inv[kMod % i] % kMod;
fact[i] = fact[i - 1] * i % kMod;
invFact[i] = invFact[i - 1] * inv[i] % kMod;
return {fact, invFact};
int nCk(int n, int k, const vector<long>& fact, const vector<long>& invFact) {
return fact[n] * invFact[k] % kMod * invFact[n - k] % kMod;