class Solution:
def smallestBeautifulString(self, s: str, k: int) -> str:
chars = list(s)
for i in reversed(range(len(chars))):
chars[i] = chr(ord(chars[i]) + 1)
while self._containsPalindrome(chars, i):
chars[i] = chr(ord(chars[i]) + 1)
if chars[i] < chr(ord('a') + k):
# If s[i] is among the first k letters, then change the letters after
# s[i] to the smallest ones that don't form any palindrome substring.
return self._changeSuffix(chars, i + 1)
return ''
def _containsPalindrome(self, chars: list[str], i: int) -> bool:
"""Returns True if chars[0..i] contains palindrome."""
return ((i > 0 and chars[i] == chars[i - 1]) or
(i > 1 and chars[i] == chars[i - 2]))
def _changeSuffix(self, chars: list[str], i: int) -> str:
Returns a string, where replacing sb[i..n) with the smallest possible
letters don't form any palindrome substring.
for j in range(i, len(chars)):
chars[j] = 'a'
while self._containsPalindrome(chars, j):
chars[j] = chr(ord(chars[j]) + 1)
return ''.join(chars)