type RecursiveHandler = {
set: <T extends object>(target: T, prop: string, value: any) => boolean;
get: <T extends object>(target: T, prop: string) => any;
apply: <T extends Function>(target: T, thisArg: any, argArray?: any) => any;
function makeImmutable<T extends object | Function>(obj: T): T {
// a set of mutating array methods
const methods = new Set([
const handler: RecursiveHandler = {
// 'set' trap prevents modifications of the object properties.
set(target, prop, _) {
throw Array.isArray(target)
? `Error Modifying Index: ${String(prop)}`
: `Error Modifying: ${String(prop)}`;
// 'get' trap returns object properties or creates new proxies for nested
// objects or functions
get(target, prop) {
// If the property is 'prototype', null, or not an object/function, return
// it directly. We exclude 'prototype' to avoid potential issues with
// inheritance Objects and functions are wrapped in a new proxy to
// preserve immutability at all depths.
const key = prop as keyof typeof target;
return prop === 'prototype' ||
target[key] === null ||
(typeof target[key] !== 'object' && typeof target[key] !== 'function')
? target[key]
: new Proxy(target[key], this);
// 'apply' trap prevents call of mutating methods and apply function calls.
apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
if (methods.has((target as any).name))
throw `Error Calling Method: ${(target as any).name}`;
return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList);
return new Proxy(obj, handler) as T;