class Solution {
int minimizeConcatenatedLength(vector<string>& words) {
vector<vector<vector<int>>> mem(words.size(),
vector<vector<int>>(26, vector<int>(26)));
return words[0].length() + minimizeConcatenatedLength(words, 1,
words[0].back(), mem);
// Returns the minimum concatenated length of the first i words starting with
// `first` and ending in `last`.
int minimizeConcatenatedLength(const vector<string>& words, int i, char first,
char last, vector<vector<vector<int>>>& mem) {
if (i == words.size())
return 0;
const int j = first - 'a';
const int k = last - 'a';
if (mem[i][j][k] > 0)
return mem[i][j][k];
const char nextFirst = words[i].front();
const char nextLast = words[i].back();
return mem[i][j][k] = //
words[i].length() +
// join(words[i - 1], words[i])
minimizeConcatenatedLength(words, i + 1, first, nextLast, mem) -
(last == nextFirst ? 1 : 0),
// join(words[i], words[i - 1])
minimizeConcatenatedLength(words, i + 1, nextFirst, last, mem) -
(first == nextLast ? 1 : 0));