class Solution {
int countSteppingNumbers(string low, string high) {
const string lowWithLeadingZeros =
string(high.length() - low.length(), '0') + low;
vector<vector<vector<vector<int>>>> mem(
high.length(), vector<vector<vector<int>>>(
11, vector<vector<int>>(2, vector<int>(2, -1))));
return count(lowWithLeadingZeros, high, 0, 10, /*isLeadingZero=*/true, true,
true, mem);
static constexpr int kMod = 1'000'000'007;
// Returns the number of valid integers, considering the i-th digit, where
// `prevDigit` is the previous digit, `isTight1` indicates if the current
// digit is tightly bound for `low`, and `isTight2` indicates if the current
// digit is tightly bound for `high`.
int count(const string& low, const string& high, int i, int prevDigit,
bool isLeadingZero, bool isTight1, bool isTight2,
vector<vector<vector<vector<int>>>>& mem) {
if (i == high.length())
return 1;
if (mem[i][prevDigit][isTight1][isTight2] != -1)
return mem[i][prevDigit][isTight1][isTight2];
int res = 0;
const int minDigit = isTight1 ? low[i] - '0' : 0;
const int maxDigit = isTight2 ? high[i] - '0' : 9;
for (int d = minDigit; d <= maxDigit; ++d) {
const bool nextIsTight1 = isTight1 && (d == minDigit);
const bool nextIsTight2 = isTight2 && (d == maxDigit);
if (isLeadingZero)
// Can place any digit in [minDigit, maxDigit].
res += count(low, high, i + 1, d, isLeadingZero && d == 0, nextIsTight1,
nextIsTight2, mem);
else if (abs(d - prevDigit) == 1)
// Can only place prevDigit - 1 or prevDigit + 1.
res +=
count(low, high, i + 1, d, false, nextIsTight1, nextIsTight2, mem);
res %= kMod;
return mem[i][prevDigit][isTight1][isTight2] = res;