class Solution:
def minOperations(self, nums: list[int], target: int) -> int:
kNoMissingBit = 31
maxBit = 31
ans = 0
minMissingBit = kNoMissingBit
# count[i] := the number of occurrences of 2^i
count = collections.Counter(int(math.log2(num)) for num in nums)
for bit in range(maxBit):
# Check if `bit` is in the target.
if target >> bit & 1:
# If there are available bits, use one bit.
if count[bit] > 0:
count[bit] -= 1
minMissingBit = min(minMissingBit, bit)
# If we previously missed a bit and there are available bits.
if minMissingBit != kNoMissingBit and count[bit] > 0:
count[bit] -= 1
# Count the operations to break `bit` into `minMissingBit`.
ans += bit - minMissingBit
minMissingBit = kNoMissingBit # Set it to an the invalid value.
# Combining smaller numbers costs nothing.
count[bit + 1] += count[bit] // 2
# Check if all target bits have been covered, otherwise return -1.
return ans if minMissingBit == maxBit else -1