class Solution {
vector<int> minOperationsQueries(int n, vector<vector<int>>& edges,
vector<vector<int>>& queries) {
constexpr int kMax = 26;
const int m = log2(n) + 1;
vector<int> ans;
vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> graph(n);
// jump[i][j] := the node you reach after jumping 2^j from i
vector<vector<int>> jump(n, vector<int>(m));
// count[i][j] := the count of j from root to i, where 1 <= j <= 26
vector<vector<int>> count(n);
// depth[i] := the depth of i
vector<int> depth(n);
for (const vector<int>& edge : edges) {
const int u = edge[0];
const int v = edge[1];
const int w = edge[2];
graph[u].emplace_back(v, w);
graph[v].emplace_back(u, w);
count[0] = vector<int>(kMax + 1);
dfs(graph, 0, /*prev=*/-1, 0, jump, count, depth);
// Calculate binary lifting.
for (int j = 1; j < m; ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
jump[i][j] = jump[jump[i][j - 1]][j - 1];
for (const vector<int>& query : queries) {
const int u = query[0];
const int v = query[1];
const int lca = getLCA(u, v, jump, depth);
// the number of edges between (u, v).
const int numEdges = depth[u] + depth[v] - 2 * depth[lca];
// the maximum frequency of edges between (u, v)
int maxFreq = 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= kMax; ++j)
maxFreq = max(maxFreq, count[u][j] + count[v][j] - 2 * count[lca][j]);
ans.push_back(numEdges - maxFreq);
return ans;
void dfs(const vector<vector<pair<int, int>>>& graph, int u, int prev, int d,
vector<vector<int>>& jump, vector<vector<int>>& count,
vector<int>& depth) {
if (prev != -1)
jump[u][0] = prev;
depth[u] = d;
for (const auto& [v, w] : graph[u]) {
if (v == prev)
// Inherit the count from the parent.
count[v] = count[u];
// Add one to this edge.
dfs(graph, v, u, d + 1, jump, count, depth);
// Returns the lca(u, v) via Calculate binary lifting.
int getLCA(int u, int v, const vector<vector<int>>& jump,
const vector<int>& depth) {
// v is always deeper than u.
if (depth[u] > depth[v])
return getLCA(v, u, jump, depth);
// Jump v to the same height of u.
for (int j = 0; j < jump[0].size(); ++j)
if (depth[v] - depth[u] >> j & 1)
v = jump[v][j];
if (u == v)
return u;
// Jump u and v to the node right below the lca.
for (int j = jump[0].size() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (jump[u][j] != jump[v][j]) {
u = jump[u][j];
v = jump[v][j];
return jump[v][0];