class Solution:
def countCompleteSubstrings(self, word: str, k: int) -> int:
uniqueLetters = len(set(word))
return sum(self._countCompleteStrings(word, k, windowSize)
for windowSize in range(k, k * uniqueLetters + 1, k))
def _countCompleteStrings(self, word: str, k: int, windowSize: int) -> int:
Returns the number of complete substrings of `windowSize` of `word`.
res = 0
countLetters = 0 # the number of letters in the running substring
count = collections.Counter()
for i, c in enumerate(word):
count[c] += 1
countLetters += 1
if i > 0 and abs(ord(c) - ord(word[i - 1])) > 2:
count = collections.Counter()
# Start a new substring starting at word[i].
count[c] += 1
countLetters = 1
if countLetters == windowSize + 1:
count[word[i - windowSize]] -= 1
countLetters -= 1
if countLetters == windowSize:
res += all(freq == 0 or freq == k for freq in count.values())
return res