class Solution:
def minimumCost(
source: str,
target: str,
original: list[str],
changed: list[str],
cost: list[int],
) -> int:
ans = 0
# dist[u][v] := the minimum distance to change ('a' + u) to ('a' + v)
dist = [[math.inf] * 26 for _ in range(26)]
for a, b, c in zip(original, changed, cost):
u = string.ascii_lowercase.index(a)
v = string.ascii_lowercase.index(b)
dist[u][v] = min(dist[u][v], c)
for k in range(26):
for i in range(26):
if dist[i][k] < math.inf:
for j in range(26):
if dist[k][j] < math.inf:
dist[i][j] = min(dist[i][j], dist[i][k] + dist[k][j])
for s, t in zip(source, target):
if s == t:
u = string.ascii_lowercase.index(s)
v = string.ascii_lowercase.index(t)
if dist[u][v] == math.inf:
return -1
ans += dist[u][v]
return ans