class Solution:
def canMakePalindromeQueries(
s: str,
queries: list[list[int]],
) -> list[bool]:
n = len(s)
# mirroredDiffs[i] := the number of different letters between the first i
# letters of s[0..n / 2) and the first i letters of s[n / 2..n)[::-1]
mirroredDiffs = self._getMirroredDiffs(s)
# counts[i] := the count of s[0..i)
counts = self._getCounts(s)
ans = []
def subtractArrays(a: list[int], b: list[int]):
return [x - y for x, y in zip(a, b)]
for a, b, c, d in queries:
# Use left-closed, right-open intervals to facilitate the calculation.
# ...... [a, b) ...|... [rb, ra) ......
# .... [rd, rc) .....|..... [c, d) ....
b += 1
d += 1
ra = n - a # the reflected index of a in s[n / 2..n)
rb = n - b # the reflected index of b in s[n / 2..n)
rc = n - c # the reflected index of c in s[n / 2..n)
rd = n - d # the reflected index of d in s[n / 2..n)
# No difference is allowed outside the query ranges.
if ((min(a, rd) > 0 and mirroredDiffs[min(a, rd)] > 0) or
(n // 2 > max(b, rc) and
mirroredDiffs[n // 2] - mirroredDiffs[max(b, rc)] > 0) or
(rd > b and mirroredDiffs[rd] - mirroredDiffs[b] > 0) or
(a > rc and mirroredDiffs[a] - mirroredDiffs[rc] > 0)):
# The `count` map of the intersection of [a, b) and [rd, rc) in
# s[0..n / 2) must equate to the `count` map of the intersection of
# [c, d) and [rb, ra) in s[n / 2..n).
leftRangeCount = subtractArrays(counts[b], counts[a])
rightRangeCount = subtractArrays(counts[d], counts[c])
if a > rd:
rightRangeCount = subtractArrays(
rightRangeCount, subtractArrays(counts[min(a, rc)], counts[rd]))
if rc > b:
rightRangeCount = subtractArrays(
rightRangeCount, subtractArrays(counts[rc], counts[max(b, rd)]))
if c > rb:
leftRangeCount = subtractArrays(
leftRangeCount, subtractArrays(counts[min(c, ra)], counts[rb]))
if ra > d:
leftRangeCount = subtractArrays(
leftRangeCount, subtractArrays(counts[ra], counts[max(d, rb)]))
ans.append(min(leftRangeCount) >= 0
and min(rightRangeCount) >= 0
and leftRangeCount == rightRangeCount)
return ans
def _getMirroredDiffs(self, s: str) -> list[int]:
diffs = [0]
for i, j in zip(range(len(s)), reversed(range(len(s)))):
if i >= j:
diffs.append(diffs[-1] + (s[i] != s[j]))
return diffs
def _getCounts(self, s: str) -> list[list[int]]:
count = [0] * 26
counts = [count.copy()]
for c in s:
count[string.ascii_lowercase.index(c)] += 1
return counts