class Solution:
# Same as 3034. Number of Subarrays That Match a Pattern I
def countMatchingSubarrays(self, nums: list[int], pattern: list[int]) -> int:
def getNum(a: int, b: int) -> int:
if a < b:
return 1
if a > b:
return -1
return 0
numsPattern = [getNum(a, b) for a, b in itertools.pairwise(nums)]
return self._kmp(numsPattern, pattern)
def _kmp(self, nums: list[int], pattern: list[int]) -> int:
"""Returns the number of occurrences of the pattern in `nums`."""
def getLPS(nums: list[int]) -> list[int]:
Returns the lps array, where lps[i] is the length of the longest prefix of
nums[0..i] which is also a suffix of this substring.
lps = [0] * len(nums)
j = 0
for i in range(1, len(nums)):
while j > 0 and nums[j] != nums[i]:
j = lps[j - 1]
if nums[i] == nums[j]:
lps[i] = j + 1
j += 1
return lps
lps = getLPS(pattern)
res = 0
i = 0 # s' index
j = 0 # pattern's index
while i < len(nums):
if nums[i] == pattern[j]:
i += 1
j += 1
if j == len(pattern):
res += 1
j = lps[j - 1]
# Mismatch after j matches.
elif j != 0:
# Don't match lps[0..lps[j - 1]] since they will match anyway.
j = lps[j - 1]
i += 1
return res