class Solution {
string rearrangeString(string s, int k) {
const int n = s.length();
string ans;
vector<int> count(26);
// valid[i] := the leftmost index ('a' + i) can appear
vector<int> valid(26);
for (const char c : s)
++count[c - 'a'];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const char c = getBestLetter(count, valid, i);
if (c == '*')
return "";
ans += c;
--count[c - 'a'];
valid[c - 'a'] = i + k;
return ans;
// Returns the valid letter that has the most count.
char getBestLetter(const vector<int>& count, const vector<int>& valid,
int index) {
int maxCount = -1;
char bestLetter = '*';
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c)
if (count[c - 'a'] > 0 && count[c - 'a'] > maxCount &&
index >= valid[c - 'a']) {
bestLetter = c;
maxCount = count[c - 'a'];
return bestLetter;