class Solution {
int maxVacationDays(vector<vector<int>>& flights, vector<vector<int>>& days) {
vector<vector<int>> mem(days.size(), vector<int>(days[0].size(), INT_MIN));
return maxVacationDays(flights, days, 0, 0, mem);
// Returns the number of vacations that can be taken from the i-th city and
// the k-th week.
int maxVacationDays(const vector<vector<int>>& flights,
const vector<vector<int>>& days, int i, int k,
vector<vector<int>>& mem) {
if (k == days[0].size())
return 0;
if (mem[i][k] != INT_MIN)
return mem[i][k];
// Stay at the j-th city or fly from the i-th city to the j-th city.
for (int j = 0; j < flights.size(); ++j)
if (j == i || flights[i][j] == 1)
mem[i][k] = max(mem[i][k], days[j][k] + maxVacationDays(flights, days,
j, k + 1, mem));
return mem[i][k];